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Gratitude Changes Everything

How often have you been rubbed the wrong way by someone saying "you should be grateful" when you are content sulking about what has not gone your way?

How often have you felt justified when receiving recognition, a promotion, a mutual love interest, won tickets, or any of millions of good things that can happen?

Gratitude is an emotion that is becoming extinct in today's society. Gratitude is generally an emotion expressed through humility and a sense of unworthiness of an action or word honoring you. It has been replaced by a sense of entitlement. Entitlement is the antithesis of gratitude. Entitlement requires adulation, advancement, and grandeur. It is a sentiment that expects the best of the best in all situations.

I have always considered myself grateful. However, my life in Christ often shows me that I am not as gracious as I have believed.

I have always succeeded. Been a good student, Got to live overseas right out of college. Bopped around for a bit in the states during the early years of my grown up career and I've always had more than enough resources. All of which I had I credited to my ability, my intelligence, my social acumen.

Recently though, I left the comfort and safety of a job and industry I knew and followed the risky and untested direction of the Lord. Assured that my talents would stand on their own, I embarked confidently on a job search that kept slapping me in the face in the form of no resume call backs and feeling under-utilized and under-appreciated at the part time job I took. Because it was the only call that I got.

Forced to rely on the Lord for everything from paying bills, to gas in my car, to having a meal on my table, I began to lose that smug sense of self that I always carried. My confidence was stripped away week by week, month by month as the material lack increased.

While this occurred the realization that my skills and knowledge were not enough to sustain me set it. My ability to talk the talk and walk the walk couldn't even get me in the door because I could not make the phone ring.

Finally, I relented and told God that everything that I am is and everything that I am ever going to be would be His doing. I am not capable of running my life successfully. And I would be grateful with whatever He decided to do with it.

Then I got a call. Got to work through a temp agency with a wonderful organization. I get to enjoy each day. I get to contribute, try new things, and have my ideas regarded. After a very short time, I have moved from introducing new ideas in my location to working on projects with a larger scope. Several corporate leaders have complemented my efforts, in addition to my direct regional leadership.

I take nothing for granted. I am grateful to be able to have somewhere to go to work each day. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such an organization. And most of all I am grateful that I let go of the reins and let God take over.

In all of my working years, I have never experienced such positivity and nuturing as I have in the last few months.

Because of this experience, I no longer feel entitled, I no long credit my abilities, and I am finally grateful for the blessings God provides.

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