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Sunday, December 13, 2020

5:17 AM

I was part of a regiment in town. I was new having just arrived. It was a group similar to the army. All participants lived together in groups, tribes if you will, and there were several tribes that made up the whole.

A lady introduced herself to me while in the locker room of one of the barracks. We engaged in small talk. She offered to show me around. I agreed. We left the building in which we were and got into a car. She drove to a park, similar to a state park but not quite as big. We drove down a path where she described the history of the area. Up ahead there was a body of water that I assumed ended our trip. As we neared the water I anticipated the lady stopping the car, turning around, or something. Instead she continued to drive over the edge.

The car was made to operate underwater. It was both an on land and underwater vehicle. We went into the water and continued moving forward. By the time the car had settled in the water, I was extremely anxious. Frightened, to tell the truth. She assured me that the car was safe under water. She continued to banter on and I frantically searched the car door and window seals for water leakage. I didn't see any. By this time we reached a wall of water. I didn't expect to be able to go through it. But she continued to drive. We started through this wall of water. I was afraid that something was behind it and we would crash. We started through; no wall. To my chagrin, we permeated the wall, but the vehicle slid back as the concentrated water pushed against it. She pushed harder on the accelerator. We pushed a little further but the car slid backwards more noticeably this time. I was scared by this point, thinking we were on the verge of the water over taking us. She said, "we're going to make it, don't worry." She pushed the pedal again and we barreled up and through, leaving a wake of water behind us as we disappeared through the tunnel.

The tunnel fit our vehicle rather tightly but I pushed through no problem. We came out of the other side of the tunnel and the water was wide again. I saw that wall approach again and we disappeared into another tunnel. And again, we came out of the other side. This happened 3 times. By the second, I had relaxed since we had successfully navigated the first obstacle. I was more sure that the second one would pass. By the time we entered the third tunnel, I was having fun! We exited the 3rd tunnel.

Now we are in front of 2 ladders similar to pool ladders. The vehicle is bobbing up and down in front the wall. We are no longer able to go forward but must now go up. The lady tells me that I have to exit the car. I have to get on shore and pull the car up. My fear returned. I stammered, "How, how can I do that?" She said, "You can!, Now go!" So I did. I rolled the window down and while water flooded in, I pulled myself through the window and went up the ladder in front of the car. When I got up there, I reached down for her and pulled her up in the car. She and it were surprisingly light. I grabbed her arm and lifted them with ease onto land and got back into the car. We continued our drive through the park and then back to base.

When we got back to the locker room, a man took one look at me and chuckled. He looked at the lady and asked , "how'd she do?" The lady answered, "surprisingly well." They both laughed, and he asked who's next? You choose.

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