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Friday I heard this song on the way to work. A smile spread across my lips, I felt my cheeks blush with color, and I got goose bumps. The image that arose in my head at the first note was one of Jesus. I pictured him in a white blazoning backsplash standing next to water, waving his hand from one side to the next, as if in a gesture, as he smiled. He was explaining something. I don't know what. I just remember how warm my heart felt at that moment.

It was then that I realized that I love Jesus! For years I had been asked that question. I had been told that I needed to love Him and I had heard others declare their love for Him but I could never quite understand what they meant. Everyone made it seem easy to love Jesus. I felt wrong for not loving Him. I didn't have anything against Him. I just didn't know Him like "that."

I tried to say the words but really didn't feel like I meant them. I agreed that He deserves (Dying on the cross and all) my love but I really didn't know how to give it to Him.

I didn't really think I could love a figure that I could not see, hear, touch in the flesh. The thought of it seemed too

abstract. So, imagine my chagrin, when I realized this feeling of love wash over me. It happened! I'm in love with Jesus. Who would have ever thunk it? Not me. But I'm sure He did.

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